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      \:\  \    /:/__/      /:/ /:/  /    /:/__/      /:/__/   

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    ~~~~           \/__/       \/__/         \/__/       \/__/ 

Have fun. Donīt forget to bookmark this website :)

Program your own robot with any .NET compatible language and battle it out with the others through the internet. Powered by the Ovorp game engine, Virii is a game tailored for .NET programmers at all levels. It is a great starting point for entry level programmers, as well as a very entertaining game for more experienced programmers.

API Dodumentations | UML Class Diagrams
If you are planning on writing your own robot, please refer to the Robot class section under the documentations.

Screen Shots

Note: Before you download the game, make sure you have .NET framework 2.0 and managed DirectX 9b. If you are interested in poking around with the code, make sure you have the Directx SDK along with the 2003 summer update installed. C# 2005 Express is also highly recommended. Also make sure your graphic card has the latest driver because DirectX 9b is known to have trouble with older hardware.

Pick a forum from below:
Virii Game | Virii Bots | Bug Report | Help | Developers (Sourceforge login required)

MSN: zeeyang at hot mail dot com
ICQ: 140 749 973
E-MAIL: zee dot yang at gmail dot com

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